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Most of the time, it is a problem with the buffer size after all. Please double-check if you are using a supported buffer size. These are: 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048.

If you are still experiencing problems with this error and want to contact support, please be sure to attach screenshots of your settings (sample rate/buffer size) so we can help you as quickly as possible.

With your order confirmation, you receive a second e-mail that contains a voucher code, which you can redeem on the website of our distribution partner, Plugin Alliance. If you cannot find your voucher code, please check your spam folder or, if it is not there, reach out to our support.

Register for a free account on our distributor's website - if you don't have one already. Then go to page ACTIVATE in the footer menu or follow this link.

Enter the complete voucher code in the voucher text entry field and click the "Use Voucher "button. The product you purchased will be added to your cart with a price of $0 (zero) since you have already paid at If you purchased multiple vouchers, enter the next voucher code and click "Use Voucher" again. Click "Checkout" and follow the instructions to receive your license afterward.

Yes, you can download a 14-day-trial version without any restrictions on Plugin Alliance. Just download and install the plugin. The trial will be activated using your Plugin Alliance account upon first opening the plugin in your DAW.

Yes, we offer a 50% EDU discount on all of our products. You are eligible for an EDU discount if you are registered with an educational institution, either as a student or an educator.

Please apply by filling the form at our website under Education. Make sure you have an official document to prove your status and the e-mail associated with your dearVR-account.

You can either use the link from the confirmation mail we sent you after validating your EDU discount application, or during checkout you can use your personalised voucher code we sent you.

It is not possible to combine the EDU discount with other discounts, like sales or bundle prices. If you have an item in your cart that is a bundle or on sale, the EDU discount will not be applied.

Our plugins come in different formats, which are installed in their corresponding default path. The most common format is VST3, which you can find here:
  • Win: C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3
  • macOS: Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3
For the older VST standard, the installer offers a custom-path-option, the default path is:
  • Win: C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VstPlugins
  • macOS: Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST
Pro Tools uses the AAX format. The corresponding path is:
  • Win: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins
  • macOS: Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins


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